Damion Hamilton's poetry blog. My ebooks are available through this link: http://www.amazon.com/Damion-Hamilton/e/B00YFZ44P8
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Passing Thoughts
I throw a negative ball into the world
and some one else catches it,
they are playing center field
they have great hands, and as soon as they catch
the ball, they throw it away
and some else will catch it
it's in the eyes, body language, the voice
the tools that we use, we put a lot into the world
I catch thoughts too,
anger, hatred, jealousy, envy
people can feel aggression or kindness from a being
analyze it and throw it back or store it
but I don't forget it
and know they will be back around again
it's the corner of the beast
around and around and around
this game we play
Monday, December 28, 2015
The Bar Is Dying
Not many interesting bars to go to
but, I go into this bar that I go into all time
and it has gotten so tired,
the mutherfuckers smoke so much
you choke on the shit so badly
there are girls there pole dancing in bikinis
stage and music, drinking and goofy talk at the bar
it's not a good bar, but it's an interesting bar
more interesting than the other bars that are around
the neighborhood dive bars are so dull, filled
with people who have known each other their entire lives
well, it's not much
but I've learn so much in these places, I want to got to better
places, but the cops are all around this holiday weekend
and they keep sane people from wanting to go places, fun places
and just maybe this is best, as people kill themselves slowly with
cigarettes smoke and their pasts.
This weekend and History.
but I've learn so much in these places, I want to got to better
places, but the cops are all around this holiday weekend
and they keep sane people from wanting to go places, fun places
and just maybe this is best, as people kill themselves slowly with
cigarettes smoke and their pasts.
This weekend and History.
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Mississippi River
Vast waters of the dark,
no light around, at all,
that was my dream, or nightmare
whatever you want to call it, just a small candle
that you could barely see
as things moved in the night,
things that could breathe, and could not
I felt bound to those things, yet i could not think
just see and feel, and I felt lost kinda scared,
but that was Life, things just moved and played on action
There was no books or thoughts around
In this dream I had.
Thursday, December 24, 2015
This man, wants to be left a lone,
a lot of time, perhaps most of the times
Call me antisocial or whatever
I don't care, I don't get tired of my personality,
I like my thoughts mostly, better than other people thoughts. I'm a dickhead!!
I will admit this
people rush into a crowd to be with them
because they are afraid of themselves, their own voice
they don't trust it all. No confidence
You gotta believe in yourself, or else you'll never do or say anything
You will let other people talk for you
You will quote their vile venom, as if it was your own
and that is so sad
But some men need some time alone, they grow tired of the bickering and complaining, and arguing of the human race
their banal convictions
personalities and actions forcing themselves
upon you.
Bringing the Gloom
Here comes me,
bringing the gloom again, Mr. Sensitive of course
sad downcast eyes, taking this Life thing too serious
I should smile when I write, then I would being more positive
I need to be more positive
I have brought too much gloom into the world, throughout the years
Gotta laugh at myself, do jumping jacks and sing
I should be ashamed up myself for bringing gloom to people who
are just trying to be happy. Hey, I can laugh at stand up comedy
I laugh at Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart
I gotta stop bringing the darkness and the gloom
all that real shit
Just be happy!!!!!!
And I'll try this,
then something fucked up happens
and I dwell on if of course,
then it's over, back into the fuckin negative thinking
and that's last for so long, until I hear a good song, or someone says
something funny
then, you can be positive again
and that's okay
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
You burn when you feel like the forces are against you
whatever those forces maybe
a lot of times it's damn if you do or damn if you don't
I can't bullshit those who are locked up or sick
You can not bullshit those who are locked up or sick
you just can't
while, some of us may have some level of comfort
you can not bullshit those at the bottom of this pyramid you call life
you can not bullshit me, after a difficult days' work
you just can't
it's like everything stands in your way of being happy
or content and how can you expect it not too?
what's happiness?
what is contentment in this dream we call LIFE?
Head up My Ass
Yes, my head is up my ass,
I am a pitiful dreamer, I admit this,
accept this, being sociable takes
so much away from me
My head is so far up my ass,
I can taste, the bagel with no cheese i have just eaten
ignore me kids, my head is very far up my ass
I know there are people who have the same problems as me, sometimes
I forget this!!!!
I am not special, I should talk to them
but I have my head very far up ass
I should be able to talk to them about my problems
but I can't
I head is very far up my ass
It never feels good to tell people my problems
like, I can't walk up to a stranger, and start speaking
in sonnets to you,
That would very foolish
and yes this was meant to be a funny poem
I, must forget all the tragedy of life, like
a broke, broken Shakespeare
Did I spell Shakespeare right grammar nerds?
I have sensory processing problems of course
Sunday, December 20, 2015
So Many Things
So many cool things to do
so many fun, and interesting things to do
so many intoxicating things to stimulate the senses
which, are always on march and parade
I stay chasing the next exciting thing
the spectacle, the stimulation, music, promise
but mostly I work my life away
and then I drink, after
Then the internet stimulates me: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram
Goodreads, Reddit
the next fix,
always the next fix
not where I want to be
you can only be in one place
I think my mind wants to be, in all places at once
then, you get bored
fucking bored
that's there again
Then minutes, moments, seconds move fast
out of your life
Alan Watts said, "thoughts are addictive," I know what he means
he's not speaking in riddles
A lot of times, it's just best not to think
Somewhere in complete isolation
with no one talking to you, or speaking to you
eventually the voices and thoughts go away
and you can cleanse yourself
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Allergic To Money
It won't come to me
no matter how much I try
Maybe I am intelligent or
have deep thoughts
thoughts that a lot of people do not have
money seems allergic to me
I try to figure that thing out
but it will not come to me,
it's as difficult as the most advanced math to me
those dollars or wealth or whatever you call it
and for some people
it all seems to come so easy
they know what people want
they have common sense
something I do not have admittedly
or maybe I'm lazy and don't want to hustle
Hustling something the masses have put on pedestal
but on your death dead will wish you have spent more time hustling and making money, when perhaps you have your final curtain?
I don't know man.
I'm not into what most people are into
I don't feel a connection to them
and just maybe I am wrong for that
but can this be helped?
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Eight To Five
Those are the peak hours for people
when humans are busy
they get everything done in these hours
everybody doing the same thing, at the same
damn time
everybody bumping into each other
everybody just missing each other
everybody just getting a little bit done
I love when these hours are over with
and there is less folks on the roads, or in the stores
I take the roads traveled less, of course
I don't feel apart of the tribe
Of course all the, "good people," live the eight to five life
it gets dreary and predictable when you can finish a person's sentence for them
and with the eight to fivers you can do that a lot
but those roads at night so are empty and great for me
except for the police
who are always thinking you are up to no good, by being out at night
They think the good people of the world have all gone home, to do their kids home work or watch television or cook dinner, and wait for their jobs to start all over again
"Why are you out so late?" they asked.
"Because I could not stand to be out with them" I say.
They can not understand this, at all.
of course.
Terrible Things
There are things that happen to you in Life
that you do not want to talk about
there are things that happened to you that you do not
want to think about
at all
you just don't want think about it
or tell people about it
You just try to forget it
but it's there
it's always with you
like that
it's crazy how that goes
it's totally what makes a person who they are
they will not talk about it all
and that is crazy,
because, it always the most important
the most important thing that has ever happened
to them
and they refuse to talk about it,
instead they talk
and that's
completely blowing their chance, to tell ya
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Thanks For The Advice
I appreciate it,
but it never seemed to work for me
like 90 percent of the advice, I received throughout
my life has never worked for me, I forgive those people who give advice though, because most of them mean well.
But no one really knows. Ask Socrates or Plato or whoever that wrote that stuff, but don't ask me.
but whatever worked for me, just might not work for you, and then I have to live that with that
and i don't want that on my conscience at all man
I feel so silly as a sage or a prophet
and I don't give freely of advice or expect it to be given easily to me
advice givers: things might not quite work out the way expected it for that person, and the universe proves you wrong.
I mean it is hard enough to predict the weather, let a lone a person's life
well, i don't blame anyone for giving me advice, perhaps advice and encouragement works for most people, yet it just haven't worked for me.
than again, I am a fuckin weirdo!
Well, all advice should come with a preamble, "Well this worked for me, but it might not work for you."
I think i am quoting either quoting or paraphrasing the Buddha.
Well, anyway it sounds smart
and that is what counts
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Insult Me
It's okay,
my skin has grown tougher,
insult me, say the worse things about me
ill take that,
oh, boy bring all your fuckin hate
you stupid fuckers
hate me, I love it
I'm used to the shit
I remember when i was younger the shit used to bother me
but now
the words fall numb
insult me, laugh if you like
laugh at the glasses, the nose, the manner of speaking
i don't give a fuck
the pettiness don't bother me
in a world filled with cowardly and stupid people
insult me, I'll take it
and it will be so real,
I need it
any way, there was as kid at the bar buying all these girls drinks
and they are talking to him not feeling him, and when he walks away they laugh and insult him. Then he comes back and, "says yawl laughing at me."
"no we ain't laughing at you," then they keep chuckling
but they kid is serious offended and i can see it
I tell him they are laughing at me to make him feel better, and they coulda have been laughing at me, but I don't give a fuck
are you serious?
keep laughing
for the long road to death comes for us all
and none of this shit will be remembered
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
The Robots
and perhaps, the world
will be better,
they will drive our cars, pilot the planes
be better surgeons, cook better
the robots are coming, and they will be able to do
everything better
even be better soldiers,
Humans love their wars so much, and their scars
and these machines will out do us at that even
sad sad sad
Heard they will even be better sex workers
Oh, they will do everything better!
perhaps, none of us will ever have do any
fuckin work, and perhaps that will be a good
thing, we can eat and just lay around and play
Heavens’ knows the curse of work has destroyed the
human race,
ask all those old and in pain?
Friday, November 27, 2015
I'm a coward because I think about it
most of us are cowards for thinking about it,
worrying about it, this money thing
you can worry about this money thing until you are
fucking exhausted and your hair turns grey, and wrinkles form on your face.
those in know, want the advantage, against the several billion people in the world that we live in
there is only so much room at the top of the pyramid
so people devise clever little tricks and games to get to the top or stay there
step after step after step
remember, wash and repeat
getting ahead is not easy, they say
neither is winning
as the athletes take their performance enhancing drugs and the famous have their plastic surgeries to stay in the bright glamorous lights
it gets fucking weary man,
few us want to be homeless or hungry
so we compete and kill, and work ourselves to death
then we invest in whatever, hoping for a return
WE don't want to be beggars on the corner
so we enslave ourselves to this money thing.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
People don't want it
maybe they want HELL, or just a little taste of it
perhaps a lot of people enjoy some unhappiness
a lot of people I know seem to love living in the Past
everything was better of course,
the people, places, They say
not for me, mostly terrible, and some good
I'd be fool to criticize a kid for having iPhone and doing whatever with it
it's a different world, adapt or perish
I salute those who are trying to make life easier and better,
I saw a meme were people saw a google self driving crumpled
when it hit a squirrel,
why the happiness in the misfortune?
How many people are injured or killed in wrecks
so, bring on a smarter car, we definitely need one
as the already dead, cling to the unremarkable past
Friday, November 13, 2015
Dickhead Drivers
There are a lot of them
they are everywhere it seems
they enjoy being dickheads,
say if you don't know your way around a certain area
and their dickhead ass do, and show some hesitation,
do to not knowing where they are doing construction,
they will tailgate or blow at you, their dickhead ass
have probably traveled down the same road a thousand times,
and expect the same of everyone else
yet they won't give you the benefit of the doubt.
It's hard to like people like this
that's why they are dickheads
so many become TOUGH behind the wheel of a car
or computer screen
fucking SAD
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
It's Useless
To tell people your pain,
they can't feel your pain
they can't feel the pain of a stomach
or the pain in the skull
it's too much,
painful body equals painful mind and spirit,
and soul
that's were the fuckin blues come from,
and you feel that shit or you don't
there are people who can relate, and there are people who don't
can't feel at all, and you want to tell them about your pain?
they can't feel that shit.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Sorry For The Typos
And you must understand this,
it's not intentional by any means,
I'm usually just tired when I write this or
half drunk, but this no excuse
because some folk are really offended by this,
and I apologise, didn't spell that right,
I'm sure some, would stop reading if they see a typo,
like not care about the message or the meaning of the idea,
just some pedant worried about grammar, and want this thing overproduced, and well edited
well this ain't well edited, I hate well edited books
New York times bestsellers, which look like a team of people went in and produced that shit, and censored it, excuse for a few missing words
This job don't pay no bills.
And if if did, well shit happens
the best writing should be done a lone, with out influence, you know, the writer not caring what the reader thinks
hopefully I say something interesting, and that is the goal for me
Either you hate it, love it or you're indifferent
hopefully the grammar is little bit better.
Sensory processing can be my excuse,
if you believe in excuses.
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Friday, October 30, 2015
Man, I hated it
well, it's good the teachers taught me reading and arithmetic
but the other stuff, and the bullshit
glorified baby sitting,
hating the mornings, hating the forced interactions
the recess, lunch, gym and Algebra class?
fucking dull, I remember the option to not participate in gym
class, and most of the time I took that option
should have dropped out a long time ago, yet i hung in there
and got that bullshit degree
I wrote a story, about prison once, and hadn't been
but i know it's like some institution: a school, a military base, or some workplace
all hierarchies and bullshit rules and people
Like some school
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
May never come, yet people wait for it
they live their lives as if the next day is guaranteed
but every once in while you'll here someone say, "tomorrow isn't promised,"
but most us seem to forget this:
like get up, shower, eat breakfast go to work, go home, fix dinner, wash dishes, etc, and go to bed: And repeat.
How dull!!
but people go days and years like this
waiting for a weekend, some holiday, a vacation
it's a scary notion, I have a hard time making long term plans.
like making a doctor's appointment in three months
How about next week?
and people talk about next year
how can you?
I guess modern life seems easier and more stable, no tigers or bears to fight off
so tomorrow seems guaranteed
well, you don't have this safe notion with in you, there is ANXIETY, of course
and i suffer from that as well,
So try to live the day as my last,
failing mostly of course
but, that is just the way it is
Monday, October 26, 2015
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Working Man's Pain
It's the dull manual labor that kills
you slowly
the boredom, the boredom, the boredom
the minutes, the hours, and days stockpiled
until nothingness,
lifting a heavy box, or cement rock
waiting for the UPS, The Fedex dude, the Post Office
working a dock, or receiving
dying a slow death
when you are young, you can do the shit no problem
but when you get older, in your thirties it wears you out
By the time you are 50, you are done man, just holding on
your body is DONE DONE
there are people in this world that have it worse, bad
I think of the some kid in the third world drinking from dirty water
there are people in this world that it have really bad bad
and there are those you just go on day after day after day
with a slow death, a misery
that buries you in your sixties or seventies,
maybe even earlier
that's the Pain
Thursday, October 22, 2015
A Cup of Coffee
I usually hate coffee,
but sometimes you gotta get stuff done right?
and I'll usually head to Starbucks, in a good neighborhood
There are no Starbucks in bad neighborhoods,
I usually need to get away from everything and everyone
and read and write,
and spent so much time at Starbucks,
when i was younger, it was the one on Delmar
so many interesting and different people coming in
so of the hipsters, I know hated the Starbucks,
and went to local hipster joint, to be hip
but it was such a put on, really hipness
it not aware that it is being hip,
I just drank and read, and listened to the Mainstream
as they came and went,
and tried to figure them out
but, never did.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
I Live In My Own World
As you live in your own world
people say this all the time, when you are an
and I am introvert
but, to me
there is not much that separates an introvert from and extrovert
slight brain chemistry, here and there
I try to be more extroverted, but it don't come off too well
Extroverts live in their own world too.
I find my own thoughts, waaay more interesting than most
I'll try to reach out to other's with words,
yet make no real connection
like you're at a party or club, or bar and you just hear the chattering of voices.
opinions going indifferent directions, and usually prejudiced and silly
Yet you are still alone with yourself
the extroverted introvert
who tries to make this genuine connection to another human being
but it doesn't quite
well, some of us live our heads more than others
and i would be one of these.
Monday, October 19, 2015
It's like you have all this cool shit to do, man
and there's like hardly any time for it: so many cool TV shows you see, YouTube videos to watch, ebooks to read.
And you search all your social media pages. And everything moves so fast, of course with a full time job
and really the only time I have for real is the weekends for me.
and the go by fast man, for me,
seems like only a mere, couple of hours, instead of two days
there is this feeling of missing out constantly
and your head is filled with clutter and ideas, and ambitions, desire. And it swirls in you.
all that shit
And I have a hard time relating to people who get bored.
there's like all this cool shit to do, and you're bored?
"I sit with my mom and tells me how boring Sundays are?" Then she asks me, "Am I bored."
I'm like, "really?"
I'm away from the job, and feel very good
and trying to focus on an ebook from Amazon and YouTube, and put together Slide share presentation
And I'm like really she's bored?
I guess some people need the Monday mornings and some one telling them what to do and how to do it,
along with the entertainment of television
But not me, jeez!!!
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Friday, October 16, 2015
My Poetry Collection Available At Amazon
Buy an excellent collection of poems and lyrics. You will long remember the words of this collection:
The Drink
It's not for everyone man,
the drink, the liquor,
some people don't need it,
most people don't need it, the drink
they are sociable beings anyway
but not me, I am not a sociable being,
far from it
the drink helps with that
then the crowds and their words become
more bearable
some folks become loud when they drink, they were usually already LOUD. The alcohol just enhanced this trait in them, usually to a vulgar degree
it's like my grandma said, "the true person comes out when they drink." And for most, it's not pretty
Freud would call it the ID
and she's right, the true person does come out
and it's usually someone or something that can not handle liquor at all,
or stumbling out the bar, or getting knocked out at the bar
not able to handle the drink, the precious drink,
The wrong brain chemistry, I guess
that makes a hard dull world more bearable,
maybe weed would work better for them, but not me
the beer i stick to, usually work quite well for me
just stay away from me with the silly drinking games.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
The Phony Smile
Sometimes you just have to do it
it's a part of living in the Tribe,
I'm guilty of it
I've read How to Win Friends And Influence People
but I hate it most of time. The phony smile
pretending like you are having a good time, when you're not
I don't hate people
most of the time I just wanna be a lone though
and I'm the same with everybody, it don't make any difference: family, friends, coworkers, strangers, etc
I have a hard time feigning happiness, I'm mostly on edge thinking to myself a lot
and the only time I usually feel like socializing is when I drink
which keeps me from thinking so much
without it, I'm so shy
and people hate this,
of course.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Lion In a Cage
It's like you're this lion in cage
you are naturally wild, but they try to stop this
you are a lion in a cage thrashing about
you don't like the captivity
you live for the crazy wild
but no no no
they wont let it you be
they are stronger than you are, lion
the universe is stronger than you are, lion
you strike at it,
and it hits you back even stronger
the lion in the cage won't be domesticated though:
pet it, feed it, show love all you want
but it won't be tamed by mere human hands
this dangerous lion in a cage, won't be tamed
at all
Sunday, October 11, 2015
In This Ring
You are by yourself
People are arriving and departing
This thing rolls on
People say they are your friends
People say they are lovers
But it's all bullshit
People pretend to know things
Yet they do not
It doesn't matter if you do
Or if you Don't
People take this life thing too serious
In this ring, your friends watch while you get your head knocked off
You are fighting for yourself against the liars, manipulators and schemers and hustlers.
All of them cowards
Death before dishonor
They don't believe in
that shit
In this ring
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Friday, October 9, 2015
The People Are Anxious
It's like that thing in your chest can stop
anytime, and some of us think about it constantly
IT can come fast and swift,
and you are conscious of it's beating: miss a beat, you feel it
race too fast you feel it,
that anxiety that you won't see tomorrow:
all the plans you made could be forgotten in cockroach like
You think about that, and it's just no good, of course
and we take that strangely for granted
I've taken it for granted, many times
the truly brave or truly disturbed don't care if they die of course
But for a lot of folks, of course there is:
Thursday, October 8, 2015
This Is Depressing!!
Oh boy, you're crazy if you keep reading this,
you have been warned!
I like crazy though,
but this is depressing!
"people don't like depressing stuff," like my mom says.
I don't think she has ever read any of my writing, she just knows me as a person.
"negative vibes surround me," she says and "people can sense that!"
I guess she is right though, most people can't handle depressing shit
But I don't write for those folks. They can continue to watch their Hangover movies, or Fast and Furious or whatever the fuck they watch.
but I'm a bluesy person and feel the pain of LIFE, like a Charles Bukowski or a Johnny Cash.
it is what is, you hurt of course
and their are those out there who don't want to deal with pain or forget it. Be happy or say a joke please!
I surely understand.
while I sit in a dark bar a lone nursing a drink watching the others, feeling my specific pain, while never understanding the Masses.
I'm a weirdo, I don't go out to have fun, whatever that is
Most won't understand this crazy, depressing, weird, serious shit I write.
a few will though, and I write for them.
Not the mainstream folk.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
A Good Dude
Died and it hurt me bad
a good dude died, and it hurt more
than when my blood father passed away, who was not so good a lot of times
a good dude died man, I thought he
would live forever
homie was always in a good mood,
my step dad friend.
never heard him say a bad thing or do a bad thing to anyone
a good dude died and I wept,
i hear about people dying some times, people I know,
it has little effect on me usually, some of them were not very good
But damn, I will always see him doing yard work, to buy money for
weed, until I expire i guess, he smoked that shit a lot
a good dude died and it hurt me in worse way, didn't think it would
a good dude died and i could see the sadness in his friends eyes at the funeral
a good dude died and will be missed
and that's saying a lot.
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